Projects Overview
These are some projects I've worked on or still dabble with.
Jennifer Coggon
My paper "Naturphilosophie and George Newport's Quest to Discover the Secret of Fertilization" won a prestigious award in 2024. See the News block below and click the frog image or Newport's name for some fun facts and details from my years
of research.
In my paper "Quinarianism after Darwin's Origin: the Circular System of William Hincks," I show that Canada in the 1850s and 60s was an outpost for the quinarian system of taxonomy, which had become a discredited method by then. Hincks reinterpreted it to resist Darwin's evolution by natural selection.
I've posted some fun facts and out-takes on Mr. Hincks.
[Still under construction but take a look.]
*birthdate could also be 1793 according to R. K. Webb's ODNB entry for Hincks
Henry Nelson was a one-hit wonder in British embryology with his 1851 publication on the cat parasite Ascaris Mystax. He soon after left for Australia. I've been following his trail...
Alfred Tulk
Alfred Tulk was an obscure Victorian surgeon but a go-to translator of German scientific texts to English in the 1840s-50s. Tulk was one of the Romantic hold-outs in the life sciences at the time. Here's some information I'm putting together about Tulk. [Still under construction.]
I know I saw it somewhere...
To come